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    10 hacks to make any room in your home look bigger

    To make a room feel bigger, first use paint or wallpaper to create a focal wall. Then open the window shades to let in natural light and hang mirrors to reflect it. If you want the illusion of space without painting, simply declutter the room, add a few plants, and soften hard surfaces with rugs.

    Paint your walls white.

    While most of the hacks on this list are small changes that you can implement in just a few minutes, painting your walls white is a project that will take some time. But once you’re finished, it will be well worth it—because painting your walls white is one of the easiest ways to make any room look bigger and brighter.

    White reflects light and makes rooms feel airier than darker colors, which means that it works well whether you have a small or large space (or both). A pale color like off-white can also give the illusion of greater height for ceilings or upper walls when paired with darker furniture and flooring. In dark rooms, like those with lots of mahogany woodwork or deep tones on the curtains, white provides contrast by making everything else pop out more clearly while still remaining neutral enough not to clash with other elements of decor.

    Add a mirror.

    Adding a mirror to your space is an easy way to make it look bigger. Mirrors reflect light, which makes a room feel brighter and more spacious. This can be especially useful if you have windows that don’t let in much natural light or if you have dark walls.

    Mirrors can also be used to reflect other objects in your home, making them appear larger than they are. For example:

    • If your wall is small and narrow—like the walls of a hallway or foyer—try hanging a mirror on one side of it so that it reflects the opposite wall, making both sides seem wider than they really are!
    • You could also hang a large decorative piece above your fireplace mantel, then hang another smaller mirror next to this one at an angle so that it continues up onto the ceiling—this will make it appear as though there is more height and depth than just one flat surface atop another!

    Swap out furniture for something more slim line.

    • Slimline furniture

    I’d like to suggest that you take a look at all the furniture in your house and consider replacing it with more slimline versions. The first thought for many people may be, “But I love my sofa! And it cost me so much money!” But it doesn’t have to be that way. If you’re buying a new sofa, get one that is not very deep or wide but is still comfortable enough to sit on (and has a good back rest). Avoid arm rests as they tend to make any room appear smaller and also take up valuable space when not being used by someone resting their arms on them. You can also buy tables with lower legs which are much more compact than ones with high legs as well as desks with smaller drawers instead of large ones taking up too much space under them. The same goes for wardrobes – opt for something slimmer rather than bulky pieces that will hog valuable floor space around them when opened fully open; these days there are lots of gorgeous slimline options available online or from specialist shops such as Ikea where there’s always something beautiful on offer at reasonable prices too!

    Place your couch against the wall.

    If you want to make your room look bigger, place the couch against the wall. This will make your room appear more open and modern. It will also make your room feel more inviting and stylish as well as comfortable.

    Hang your curtains high and wide.

    Hang your curtains high and wide.

    • Hang your curtains at least a foot above the window. Hang them at least a foot past the window. Keep them at least a foot away from the window frame—which means that you should hang them as close to the ceiling as possible without covering any light fixtures or obstructing anything else in your room’s design scheme. A subtle flounce can be nice, but don’t get too carried away with it unless you want to create an illusion of greater height for your space (think: ballerina-length hems).

    Play with scale in your art prints.

    In general, you can use prints to make your room look bigger by keeping the scale of the art prints consistent with each other. For example, if you have a small print in a large room, then it will look like an even smaller part of the space. You don’t want any one item to overpower others in your home—you need balance! Conversely, if you have big pieces of art and furniture in a small space, they will appear crowded and cluttered when they’re not supposed to be.

    So what do you do? Well first off let’s talk about what not to do: don’t fill up an entire wall with one piece of art or mirror. If everything has its own place on the wall it makes sense for anyone who walks into your home because there won’t be anything out of place (unless there is more than one). And how do we get this balance? By using different sizes together but keeping them all within reason! So if two were too much then try three instead–but only three–and so forth until deciding which size works best for each particular situation.”

    Use a smaller furniture layout.

    Next, you want to make sure that your furniture layout is proportionate to the room. This means using a smaller furniture layout or choosing pieces that are smaller than the room itself. For example, if you have a large living room with high ceilings and low lighting levels then it might be worth it to choose a smaller sofa instead of something that would take up too much space.

    Similarly, if you have a small sunroom or patio that doesn’t get much natural light then it’s best not to choose furniture items with bold colors or patterns (like stripes). Instead opt for more neutral shades so they don’t distract from the space itself!

    Hang your blinds at eye level or higher.

    If you have blinds, hang them at eye level or higher.

    The rule of thumb is that your blinds should hang at least 24 inches above the window. If you have tall windows, like bay windows or extra-tall windows, consider hanging your blinds 36 inches above the top of the window frame. And if you have especially tall ceilings and would like to make them appear taller still in a room with tall windows, consider hanging your blinds at 48 inches above the top of their respective frames.

    Replace table lamps with wall lights.

    Replace table lamps with wall lights.

    Table lamps are great, don’t get me wrong—I own several myself. But there’s no denying that they take up a lot of space and can make your room look smaller than it really is. If you’re looking to make a room look bigger, think about replacing your table lamps with wall lights instead. Wall lights are more versatile because they can be used as ambient lighting or task lighting depending on where you place them in the room. Plus, they’re much cheaper than table lamps! The best part? They’re also more energy efficient because they don’t have an exposed bulb that heats up and needs to cool down every time you turn them on or off (like a table lamp).

    Making small changes can produce big results.

    While it does not take major changes to make a room feel bigger, it does require making some small changes that can produce big results. However, don’t be afraid to ask for help or advice from professionals if necessary. You may even find out that you love the outcome and want to do more with the space.

    These hacks will help you make the most of your space without having to commit large amounts of money or time into a renovation project.


    I hope these hacks will help you create more space in your home, and that you’ll find them all easy to do yourself. Good luck, and we hope you love your newly opened-up room!



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