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    10 Simple Tips to Make Your Home Cleaner Than It’s Ever Been

    Wash your sheets every week.

    Washing your sheets once a week is an easy way to keep your bed smelling fresh and feeling clean. To do it right, you’ll need hot water and detergent. Make sure you use enough detergent; otherwise, the soap may not be able to remove all of the dirt from your sheets. Some people like to use two tablespoons of detergent per load, but others prefer one tablespoon (as long as it’s an especially dirty load). You can also add fabric softener if you want softer sheets or towels!

    Use a mop, not a broom.

    If you use a broom to sweep, you’re essentially pushing dirt around your house. The bristles of the broom collect dust and dirt into a clump, which will inevitably fall off when you move the broom and leave little spots of dirt behind. If you have hardwood floors, using a broom might even damage them because the bristles can scratch or dent wooden planks.

    But if you want to clean up those messes without damaging your flooring or leaving behind residue from wet mops, try using a simple mop instead. A mop is much more effective at removing grease and grime than a typical household dustpan-and-broom combo because its absorbent microfiber cloths pick up any type of soil—even water—leaving less residue behind after each swipe. And while there are different types of microfibers available (like horsehair or bamboo), all work equally well if properly maintained: just rinse them under cold water every few uses until they stop releasing bubbles; then toss them in with some laundry detergent for about five minutes before air-drying overnight.

    Clean out your fridge.

    If you don’t have time to deep-clean your fridge, at least make sure it’s not a mess. The easiest way to do that is with vinegar and water.

    • Vigorously wipe down all the shelves, drawers, and corners with a sponge or cloth dipped in vinegar solution (1 cup of white vinegar per 2 cups of water). This will clean up any smudges or gunk on the sides as well as kill off any surface bacteria. You may want to do this step twice if there are lots of smears or fingerprints—and use an old toothbrush if there are tight spaces you can’t reach with cleaning wipes or your sponge.
    • Check expiration dates on foods and toss anything that’s gone bad—this will help prevent smells from developing over time! If it smells bad before the date has passed (even though its unopened), chuck it too—there’s no point in trying to salvage something that looks like garbage already.

    Clean as you go.

    The best way to make your home cleaner is to clean as you go. Rather than tackling a big mess all at once, doing small things will keep the house looking good.

    Even if it’s just for five minutes, doing something like wiping down a counter or sweeping the floor can make a big difference in how clean your home feels.

    Don’t worry about doing every single little thing all at once—just pick one thing each time you pass through an area of your home and do that one thing until it’s done, then move on to another area.

    Paint or decorate to hide stains.

    • Paint or decorate to hide stains.
    • Use a dark colour—this will help disguise the stain and make it less noticeable.
    • Add some art over the top of the stain, so it doesn’t stand out anymore.

    Disinfect your phone and other everyday objects you touch.

    • Use sanitizing wipes on your phone, keys, remote control and door handles.
    • Clean the lint trap in your dryer every time you use it to reduce allergens in your laundry room.
    • Make sure to clean out the crevices of your refrigerator and freezer once a week to eliminate odors and prevent food spoilage (you may need an extra-long toothbrush for this one).
    • Give all surfaces a quick wipe down with vinegar once a day (or before bedtime) to cut down on odors caused by cooking or pets and make sure there’s no mold growing anywhere around your home because that can be dangerous if allergies strike someone who lives there!

    Protect your walls from scuff marks.

    The best way to protect your walls from scuff marks is to use a doorstop. The doorstop will keep the door open and prevent it from hitting against the wall.

    A second option is to use a wall protector, which can be purchased at most hardware stores. These are placed between the bottom of the door and wall, providing a barrier between them when they come together.

    A third option is using a door handle instead of a knob, as this makes it easier for you to open and close your doors without having them hit against anything in their path! If you want even more protection for your walls, consider purchasing some extra padding that goes between your door frame itself (this will help cushion any impact from opening or closing doors).

    Keep the room clean first, then make it pretty.

    When it comes to decorating your home, you can’t just start throwing things around and expect them to look good. You need to make sure the room is clean first.

    Then, once you’ve finished cleaning the whole house from top to bottom (and yes, that includes under your bed), you can be ready for some decorating!

    Be proactive about keeping things clean in the future.

    • Be proactive about keeping things clean in the future.
    • Make a schedule, and stick to it!
    • Remember that everyone’s opinion matters: Make sure that your partner or roommate is on board before making any plans to get your home in order.
    • Have each family member make a list of their favorite cleaning tasks and assign them each one (or more) for the week—this could be as simple as vacuuming every other day or washing dishes every night after dinner.

    If you can’t clean everything at once, don’t sweat it! Just do what you can at the time, whether it’s wiping down your kitchen countertops when you’re making breakfast for yourself or throwing in some laundry at noon when no one else needs their clothes washed yet

    Do this and your home will be cleaner faster and more easily than ever before.

    Everyone loves a clean home. It’s relaxing, it smells good, and it makes us look like we know what we’re doing. The only problem is that home cleaning can take forever if you aren’t careful about how you do it. There are so many different ways to clean your house and each one takes time and energy that could be spent elsewhere in life. But if you follow these 10 simple tips, your house will be cleaner faster than ever before!

    • Don’t let things get dirty in the first place
    • Clean as you go
    • Keep a bin nearby for trash
    • Find things before they get lost


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